RPA project for a leading Russian bank

RPA project for a leading Russian bank RPA project for a leading Russian bank

Recently RPA.HARTUNG team has put into life another one successful project in the sphere of business processes automation - the automation of currency transaction payment process for one of the leading Russian banks (the bank is within 15 TOP Russian banks* according to financial data and credit quality).

Our partner from banking sphere asked us to make currency transaction payment process as well as search automation and data entry processes, needed for check and transaction, quicker. After the process analysis RPA.HARTUNG team developed and launched 2 alternative RPA bots, which collect data from different sources and prepare drafts of documents for the bank specialists, and after their approval perform payment transaction.

  • Thanks to RPA bots now each currency transaction payment operation takes 40% less time and 100% less mistakes.  
* based on research by www.banki.ru